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Merger Market 2018: Fastest growing M&A Law Firm in India The possible objectives of mergers sebi.gov.in/sebi_data/attachdocs/1457945258522.pdf.WHY M&A - STRATEGY FOR MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS. Objectives : • Objectives of M&A. to set out and define growth objectives. These could be –. In our opinion, an M&A strategy should: • Be specific about how M&A complements organic growth, how it creates value and how it contributes to the objectives of intended strategic objectives, and has four core elements. • Strategic planning revolves around identifying the options available to an organisation and What are the Different Motives for Mergers? · 1. Value creation · 2. Diversification · 3. Acquisition of assets · 4. Increase in financial capacity · 5. Tax purposes. This stage involves the organization setting out its business objectives and growth strategy in a clear, rational, and data-oriented way. Companies should avoid
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