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Soap-Making Manual: A Practical Handbook On The Raw Materials, Their Manipulation, Analysis And Control In The Modern Soap Plant (1922) [Thomssen, Soap-making, or saponification, is the process of taking oils that make you greasy and turning them into soap that makes you clean. Soap is not oil(s), but SOAP-MAKING. A PRACTICAL HANDBOOK. ' 01? THE MANUFACTUEE OF HAED AND SOFT SOAPS,. TOILET SOAPS, ETC. INCLUDING MANY NEW PEOOESSES, AND A CHAPTER ON. Soap-Making Manual: A Practical Handbook On the Raw Materials, Their Manipulation, Analysis and Control in the Modern Soap Plant - Primary Source Edition Read Soap-Making Manual A Practical Handbook on the Raw Materials, Their Manipulation, Analysis and Control in the Modern Soap Plant. by E. G. Thomssen with Read Soap-Making Manual. A practical Handbook on the RControl in the modern Soap Plant by E. G. Thomssen with a free trial. Read millions of eBooks and Soap-Making Manual. A practical handbook on the raw materials, their manipulation, analysis and control in the modern soap plant. By. E. G. Thomssen, Soap-making manual; a practical handbook on the raw materials, their manipulation, analysis and control in the modern soap plant : Thomssen, Edgar George,Soap-Making Manual. A Practical Handbook on the Raw Materials, Their Manipulation, Analysis and Control in the Modern Soap Plant. by E. G. Thomssen.

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